MALDI-TOF (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time of Flight) mass spectrometer is the key system that generates data as the foundation for diagnosis. It ionizes the sample components and measures the time it takes for the generated ions to reach the detector and analyze the molecular weight.
The MALDI-TOF spectrometer is a groundbreaking mass spectrometer, for which the Japanese scientist Tanaka Koich received the Nobel Award in 2002. It can measure polymer proteins most accurately and quickly among the existing analyzers. It is the most economical analytic system that enables high-sensitivity, high-mass, and large-capacity analysis while maintaining the accuracy and precision of conventional mass spectrometry. It can be used in various fields such as medicine, biotechnology, environmental, polymer research, and quarantine.
Since a MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer is a highly advanced integrated system that requires thousands of parts and systematic software are closely interfaced. Because of the high technical barrier, there are few developers of the system worldwide.
ASTA developed Kore’s first and the world’s fifth MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer in 2014 and introduced it in the market under the brand MicroIDSys® for microbial diagnosis. ASTA is planning to introduce NosIDSys® for clinical trials. MicroIDSys® features the same function as other products and software that is more user-friendly. The modularized system for stable maintenance was designed and is manufactured in Korea.
STEP 01 | The sample is mixed with matrix solution for an ionization |
STEP 02 | A pulsed laser irradiates the sample, triggering ionization of the sample and matrix mixture |
STEP 03 | After MALDI ionization, the ions of the sample fly to the detector. Since the lighter ion goes faster and the heavier goes slower, the mass of all ions are measured within less than a millisecond |

· The world-renounced societies like as ACS(American Chemical Society), are forecasting that diagnostic equipment market will move to MALDI-TOF MS with speed, accuracy and high throughput.
· In Korea, in 2015, it was registered as a new medical technology (microbial diagnosis using MALDI-TOF) and the insurance price was estimated. It was also awarded the Korea Technology Grand Prize in November of the following year.